Werd slang
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Werd slang meaning
Weed slang
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Welke slang werd door hercules gedood
- The Online Slang Dictionary | Real definitions. Real slang. Some people use "Werd" as a greeting, similar to saying "hello" or "what's up." In this context, it is often used among friends or acquaintances who share a common interest or background. For .
- Urban Dictionary: Werd Werd \werd\ interj (ca) {a slang term whose origin is based on the remembrance of WERD; the first black-owned radio station, based out of the Masonic building in Atlanta, Georgia.
- What does werd mean? werd Definition. Meaning of werd. This Slang page is designed to explain what the meaning of werd is. The slang word / phrase / acronym werd means . Online Slang Dictionary. A list of slang words and .
- werd: A Middle English form of weird.